What is Your “WHY?”
We need a purpose in life to help us strive to become better than we are. Our goals, no matter how big or how small, help us continue on our path and continue the fight. So what is your why? Is it to become a world champion? National Champion? Set PRs and PBs? To finish the local group ride or smash the strava record on the local climb?
When you are lacking purpose in your life, sit back and find your “why”. Remind yourself of it, and keep your goals and purpose set on the horizon. Your “why” must come from yourself. Do not expect your coach, teammate, or training partner to motivate you, or push yourself onwards. You must find within yourself the want, the need, and the desire. You must find your “why”. Only when you find it within yourself, will your hunger and drive grow, and your team can build around you.
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