Race Report – Matt Rotherham Double World Champ!
Last summer, Matthew Rotherham stunned the crowds in T-town with his ability to not only take the sprinters to the line, but give the enduros a run for their money as well. He came away from the 2016 season as Rider of the Year, took over the 6 day scene, and now he’ll be joining your local group ride in the coveted rainbow jersey. Something most of us will only dream about.

– British Cycling
Just a few months ago, Matt jumped on a tandem and gave it a go with partner James Ball. We then weren’t surprised to see him named to Team GB for the Para Cycling World Championships. We’ve already seen him handle his way with brother Tom Rotherham, breaking the T-town track record and taking the tandemonium title in style. While keeping our eyes peeled to the live timing from worlds, we were thrilled to see his results.
“Thanks to Big Picture Cycling, Coach Andy for getting me in the best shape of my life. Immensely proud to become World 1km Tandem Champion with James Ball you absolute legend!”
We acknowledge the success and philosophy of the GB Program, and we welcome the future Matt has as part of it. It’s an incredible accomplishment for any athlete to wear their country’s colors at any World Championship. To have won a title to go along with it, or two for that matter…it’s a dream come true for any athlete, and any coach.
“Only in the final preparations did I start to believe that we could have achieved what we did, however dreaming something is one thing, achieving it is another. Immensely proud of how we rode and look forward to the future!…”
– Matthew Rotherham, Tandem 1km & Sprint World Champion

What’s next for Rotherham? Who knows! Is there anything this guy can’t do? If you want to see him in action, make sure you’re in ttown this summer. He’ll be training and racing with the BPC crew, and will be available for autographs. 🙂

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