We saw world champions crowned, world records set, lifelong dreams achieved, and stepping stones laid for the future. Thank you for trusting in our process, our techniques, and our knowledge. Now, let’s look back on a few incredible memories from 2017: Every day, we’ve asked you to show up, ready to go. Ready to put […]
Read MoreThroughout my competitive career, I’ve held a personal belief that I don’t strive to work as hard as I do, with the expectation of losing. As a matter of fact, I’d suspect most do not. But here’s the reality: the losing part is a more common companion than winning will ever be. Losing has negative […]
Read MoreI recently caught one of the early commercials promoting the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. I could watch these over and over and it would still bring goose bumps to my arms and leave an excitement in my veins. Knowing some of the athletes in the commercials, understanding what this moment means to them, understanding what […]
Read MoreFor many, the turn of a new year marks a short lived sprint to health and fitness goals that will only be met by dissolution that says, “meh, I’ve tried that and it was too hard and didn’t really work”. For most reading this, you’re well ahead of that curve and already doing really big […]
Read MoreHave you ever grumbled about making your bed or just thought about skipping it altogether? Well, news flash – making your bed is about as mundane and thankless a task as any you’ll come across. It’s a task that either goes answered or unanswered every day we’re fortunate enough to throw two feet on the […]
Read MoreAs the historic London Six Day dust settles, my coaching corner wisdom for the day stems from one of my first Six Day experiences. In short, check your equipment! It was January in Holland at one of the most prestigious Sixes on the circuit – Rotterdam. 10-15 thousand spectators, loud music (of questionable genres), colorful […]
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